
New Vista School

New Vista School
A Supportive School for Students with Autism

New Vista School

New Vista School is unique in that it is the only Southern California school of its kind designed specifically for secondary and post–secondary school students with high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). New Vista School provides a welcoming and supportive environment with teachers and other specialized staff members prepared to address the special needs that go along with an ASD diagnosis. Its programs maximize the personal achievement and independence of its students. The school offers small class sizes, research–based programs, and integrated learning environments.

The school is accredited by WASC and the California Department of Education as a nonpublic school that meets common core requirements. Over 70% of students score at or above national averages on standardized testing. There are opportunities for dual credit college courses in the upper grades and internships for employment during the transition years.

Social Skills
New Vista’s social skills program is integrated into every aspect of its students’ educational experience, with additional support to bridge the gap between high school and adult life.

“We are so grateful for the program… watching his growth in learning and improvement in his social skills has been heart–warming. You are true miracle workers!”

“You took a boy who was spiraling down further each year and turned him around. You gave him the joy and pride of learning, interacting with peers, being part of a school and a fuller life at home and in the community. Our young man is now a happy and successful student, hard worker, and enjoys a social life.”

Students enter New Vista School from a wide range of educational backgrounds including public, private and home–schooling programs. Students range in age from 11–18+ and have a primary diagnosis of high–functioning autism or Asperger Syndrome. New Vista’s school community is guided by the following values: Respect, Responsibility, Initiative, Problem Solving, and Resiliency. Through these care values, the school demonstrates care, support, and high expectations for its students.

Contact New Vista School at (949) 455–1270 to speak with the admissions director and schedule a tour. New students are welcome for the 2017–2018 academic year.

New Vista School
23092 Mill Creek Dr.
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
(949) 455-1270

New Vista School