
Judy L. Bourget, MD

Judy L. Bourget, MD


Judy L. Bourget, MD

Heard of Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)? Do you have symptoms of hormone imbalance such as fatigue, low libido, foggy thinking, loss of muscle mass, increased fat tissue, intolerance to exercise, and depression?

Hormones can have an effect on your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. BioTE’s bio-identical hormone replacement therapy comes in the form of subcutaneous pellets. Rather than using synthetic hormones, try a more natural way with a custom-compounded pellet unique to each patient’s physiology. There is now a solution to keep your hormone levels more consistent throughout the day.

Not only do patients enjoy the benefits of increased stamina, libido, astuteness and muscle mass, there are several medical benefits to BHRT. Multiple white papers confirm less heart disease, less diabetes, stronger bones, and decreased risk of Alzheimer’s. BioTE Medical administers BHRT pellets to maintain optimal hormone levels in both men and women.

Rather than taking daily medications, a BioTE patient only needs to get two to four pellet insertions per year to see a difference. Pellet insertion also helps prevent the rollercoaster-like effects patients receive as there is a more consistent administration of hormones.

One of the largest benefits of BHRT pellets over traditional pellets is that the hormones within BHRT pellets are structurally the same as naturally occurring human hormones. In addition to this, BHRT pellets are plant derived and can be found in nature. This means that the hormones used in BHRT pellet therapy are more natural in comparison to other options such as synthetic pellets. If utilizing natural hormones wasn’t enough, BHRT pellets also release these hormones on a more consistent basis. This allows for the body to absorb the hormones in a more beneficial way rather than having to suffer from the inconsistencies of pills and patches.

Dr. Bourget has administered bio-identical hormones for several years but avoided using pellets due to the large range of results she noted amongst patients. She became a certified BioTe provider because she knew the reputation BioTe carried. BioTe delivers a product that is known for only 0.3% variability and uses a dosing algorithm that takes the guess work out of properly dosing patients. If you are struggling with any of the above symptoms or are interested in learning more about BioTe, please call Dr. Bourget’s office at (949) 429-8760 and make an appointment.

34052 La Plaza, Ste. 104 • Dana Point

Judy L. Bourget, MD