Frank Mogavero, DDS

Frank Mogavero, DDS



L to R: INBRACE CEO Dr. John Pham, INBRACE President and COO Jeffrey Nardoci, Dr. Mogavero’s team, Dr. Mogavero, and INBRACE patient Kevin Clements.

Advanced Invisible Orthodontics!
As Mogavero Orthodontics celebrates its 30th anniversary of creating beautiful smiles for children and adults, they also celebrate the fastest and most invisible orthodontic treatment modality yet: INBRACE. INBRACE is the intelligent and intuitive behind-yourteeth, teeth straightener.

Dr. Mogavero was one of the first doctors in the country to offer what was then a brand-new type of treatment circa 2000… Invisalign clear aligners. And while Invisalign and Suresmile clear aligners can provide a great result for certain patients with minor orthodontic issues, these types of treatment have limitations that many patients don’t like.

Most importantly, they are extremely patient cooperation dependent. Patients must wear their plastic trays at least 22 hours per day to get the most ideal result — and many patients don’t do that in reality. Over the past 20 years, Dr. Mogavero has seen so many teens talk their parents into getting clear aligner treatments, then waste their money by not wearing the plastic trays. He’s also seen adults do the same with their own treatment. Patients don’t like to have to take their aligners out in front of friends at work, school, or in a restaurant, especially as the trays collect food and turn yellow. Patients are often dismayed to find that the buttons or “attachments” on their front teeth show through the aligners when they are in their mouth, which is definitely not as invisible or as efficient as the brand commercials claim.

Created by orthodontists at USC where Dr. Mogavero taught orthodontics for five years, INBRACE uses a “smartwire” system that is personalized for each patient’s mouth. It’s designed to move teeth in a way that is faster than any treatment he has used in his 30 years of practice, due to its frictionfree intuitive system. Most importantly, it’s behind the teeth, and working 24 hours a day. The team at Mogavero Orthodontics are proud to have been a part of the INBRACE digital revolution. They are now one of the top providers in the country for INBRACE.

Austin Fuller’s (@austinfullar) braces were placed before COVID-19 quarantine on February 4, 2020 and due to quarantine, the office was not able to see him again until June 1, 2020. With no action on his part or the team at Mogavero Orthodontics, there is visible proof that just four months later, his teeth were almost straight.

Mogavero’s newest INBRACE patient, is a world-class swimmer, cancer survivor, and coach, Kevin Clements (@kevin_r_clements). He is the father to the worldfamous Clements Twins and dad to his patient Chase Clements (@cut2thischase), who gives a tour of the office on their website. The office was honored that INBRACE CEO Dr. John Pham and President and COO Jeffrey Nardoci were able to join for Kevin’s INBRACE placement on August 31, 2020. The staff is eagerly waiting to see his final result.

If you, or your children, are in need of any type of orthodontic services from braces to clear aligners to INBRACE, the Mogavero Ortho team would be happy for the opportunity to be of service.

Check out or to find out more and to get started on your way to a fantastic smile!

1031 Avenida Pico, Suite 101
San Clemente • 949.373.3737 •
Facebook: Mogavero Orthodontics
Instagram: @drfrankm
Twitter: @drfrankm

Frank Mogavero, DDS