
Cryo For Kids!


Cryo For Kids!

Cold Rush Wellness Family Hour

Dr. Scott Young and his team at Cold Rush Wellness have been working on their patient’s immune systems with Whole Body Cryostimulation for more than 4 years now. The data collected has revealed some startling results. Patients say they feel more energetic and healthier than ever, with far fewer instances of colds and flus. After surviving a historically bad flu season, it’s more important than ever to look for alternative therapies that strengthen your immune system. Dr. Young decided to start offering this cutting-edge technology to kids as well as adults. Kids often don’t feel pain like adults when something is wrong. They may act out instead or have problems concentrating when they’re tired or a little under the weather. When real sickness takes hold, the world stops for everyone until they get better. According to Dr. Young, the families who have already adopted Cryostimulation have felt the benefits for a while now and everyone at Cold Rush Wellness is excited about it.

Cryotherapy is an adaptogen, an environmental exposure used to promote homeostasis or balance in the body. So consistency is the key to good results. Cryo for kids can yield a stronger immune system with fewer allergies, colds and flu. For more information, check out or visit the company’s Facebook page.

Parents and kids are welcome on April 14th and 28th from 12 to 3 p.m. to attend the Cold Rush Wellness Family Happy Hour to see what cryostimulation can do for your family’s health.

  • Strengthen Immune System Naturally
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Improve Mood and Concentration
  • Increase Energy and more

The event is free. Dr. Young and his staff will be offering extremely discounted family rates for first-time Cryo Sauna patients at the clinic. ($20 for parents, $10 for child). Kids should wear dry bathing suits to try Cryo Sauna. Healthy treats will be provided.