Cold Rush Wellness

Cold Rush Wellness

Scott Young, D.C.

Cold Rush WellnessDr. Scott Young was the first holistic practitioner in Orange County to offer both Whole Body Cryotherapy and Local Cryotherapy. Specializing in sports injuries, he especially enjoys working with high school athletes to provide them treatments that were previously only available to professional athletes.

Cryostimulation has multiple health benefits and has been shown to greatly speed the recovery of sprains and strains as well as other sports-related injuries. The treatments are very tolerable and patients leave Cold Rush Wellness feeling relief and usually very relaxed as well. Dr. Young is a firm believer that only physicians should be operating these types of Cryotherapy facilities as Cryosaunas and Local Cryotherapy machines are powerful medical devices.

When a patient is stimulated with extremely low temperatures, their body responds in 3 fundamental ways: a vascular change occurs within the skin which constricts and pushes blood towards the vital organs which replenish them with enzymes and oxygen. In addition, a hormonal and neurological stimulation occurs. Cold receptors in the skin communicate with the brain to put the body in “fight or flight” mode. This causes the adrenal glands to work and send norepinephrine throughout the body and causes other hormones to change as well. Serotonin increases, putting the mind in a euphoric state. Testosterone increases and the stress hormone cortisol decreases at the same time. Finally, a cellular change occurs. The extreme cold exposure increases a specific enzyme needed to fuel the energy center of each and every cell in the body. When cells become energized in this way, they create more anti-inflammatory proteins which aid in reducing inflammation throughout the body.

This evolutionary treatment is groundbreaking as it unleashes the inner doctor in every one of us to heal and recover at an accelerated rate. Now that we can all receive the health benefits from this treatment, give Cold Rush Wellness a call to learn more and to make your appointment with Dr. Young today.

Cold Rush Wellness
30251 Golden Lantern, Ste. B
Laguna Niguel
949.281.6853  •

Watch this “cool” video to see how cryotherapy works!

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Cold Rush Wellness