Cold Rush Wellness

Cold Rush Wellness


Cold Rush Wellness

Dr. Scott Young and his talented team at Cold Rush Wellness have been working diligently the past five and a half years, performing various treatments. These cutting-edge treatments include whole body cryostimulation, local cryostimulation and chiropractic care. Cold Rush Wellness is also expanding its services to include massage and Salt Cave Therapy. Patients are also experiencing dramatic health improvements using Dr. Young’s highly touted, AlphaSwitch Wellness Program. Visit to learn more about the Program and for life-changing testimonials from his patients.

Salt Cave Therapy started many years ago in Krakow, Poland where doctors discovered that salt miners rarely became ill with colds or flus. After much study, they concluded the effects of breathing in the micro-particles of salt were beneficial to the lungs and overall immune system. Dr. Young decided to add this to the treatment offerings at Cold Rush Wellness. He invited a European company to Laguna Niguel to build the first Salt Cave in South County. The salt he chose comes from Northeastern Pakistan in the Himalayan mountains. It was mined and cut into 200 pound blocks of pure Himalayan salt. The blocks were then sent to Krakow, Poland where they were cut by masons into perfect bricks, individually wrapped and sent to Los Angeles. Himalayan salt is unique because it is the only salt which contains 84 essential minerals vital to health and when warmed, releases negatively charged ions which purify the air. The completed cave is a work of art; a genuine ion oasis. It contains 14,000 pounds of Himalayan salt as well as light therapy. Dr. Young only wants the best for his patients and this 45-minute treatment can be made even better by adding a massage inside the cave.

The treatments help with the following:

  • Chronic or temporary respiratory tract inflammation
  • Coughing and wheezing
  • Sinus problems and Bronchitis
  • Weak immune system
  • Allergies and Asthma
  • Insomnia
  • Chronic Skin Conditions (Eczema and Psoriasis)
  • Hypertension Anxiety

Cold Rush Wellness’s other treatments include: Whole Body Cryotherapy, Local Cryotherapy, CryoFacials, Chiropractic Care, Massage and AlphaSwitch Metabolic Training. If you feel that you or someone you know can directly benefit from the health services this treatment program provides, give Cold Rush Wellness a call and make the transformative appointment today.

Cold Rush Wellness
30251 Golden Lantern, Ste. B
Laguna Niguel
949.281.6853  •

Watch this “cool” video to see how cryotherapy works!

Cold Rush Wellness