
Cold Rush Wellness

Cold Rush Wellness


Cold Rush Wellness

Dr. Scott Young and his talented team at Cold Rush Wellness have been working diligently the past four years, creating and perfecting various treatment protocols. These cutting-edge treatments include whole body cryostimulation, local cryostimulation and chiropractic care. Cold Rush Wellness is also expanding it’s services to include acupuncture (with cupping) as well as holistic massage. Many patients are experiencing dramatic health improvement using Dr. Young’s highly touted, AlphaSwitch Wellness Program. Visit to learn more about the Program and for life-changing testimonials from his patients.

Cryostimulation, also known as cryotherapy, uses nitrogen gas to create extreme cold healing temperatures (up to –240 degrees!) which modulate cellular health, improving the immune system and reducing inflammation in the body. Cryostimulation has multiple health benefits and has been shown to greatly speed the recovery of sprains and strains as well as other sports-related injuries.

The treatments help with the following:

  • Athletic Performance & Recovery
  • Postsurgical Healing
  • Musculoskeletal Injuries
  • Weight Management
  • Energy & Libido Boost
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Chronic Skin Conditions
    (Eczema and Psoriasis)
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Autoimmune & Other
    Inflammatory Disorders

Dr. Young’s revolutionary treatment program is remarkable and truly groundbreaking. It unleashes the powerful “inner doctor” that each of us have, in order to heal, rehabilitate and recover at an unimagined and accelerated rate. If you feel that you or someone you know can directly benefit from the health services this treatment program provides, give Cold Rush Wellness a call and make the transformative appointment today.

Cold Rush Wellness
30251 Golden Lantern, Ste. B
Laguna Niguel
949.281.6853  •

Watch this “cool” video to see how cryotherapy works!

Cold Rush Wellness