Sea View Pharmacy

Sea View Pharmacy


Sea View PharmacyAnd often overlooked, but important, healthcare connection to establish is a personal relationship with your neighborhood pharmacist. Experienced, independent pharmacists are an invaluable resource for parents, seniors, athletes, pet owners and anyone else who needs trusted medical information and consultations. Family-owned and operated for 43 years, and now in its second generation, Sea View Pharmacy in San Clemente has served the community through decades of sweeping changes in healthcare and will support the current generation of local families through the next.

Jerry Medley assumed ownership of Sea View in 1988 and can still be spotted behind the counter assisting patients. His son, Eugene, now owns and runs the day-to-day operations, along with Eugene’s wife Jennifer. Eugene grew up hanging around the pharmacy, but he explored stints as an ocean lifeguard, working in animal husbandry at the Mirage Resorts, and teaching veterinary anatomy as a graduate teaching assistant before obtaining a doctorate degree in pharmacy and joining his father. As a professional, Medley finds gratification in knowing his business caters to a particular niche in the marketplace. “We can devote more time to customer service than corporate-run stores,” he says, “ and as a compounding pharmacy, we can provide customized therapies that aren’t available commercially.”

“Pharmaceutical companies formulate medications and determine dosages based on a 180-pound Caucasian male,” Medley explains, “We work with physicians to customize treatments for people who don’t fit into that mold.” Babies with digestive issues, hormone replacement for both women and men, veterinary patients, and people with special dietary requirements — just to name a few — all benefit from a partnership between the doctor and pharmacist to determine the most effective treatment with the most appropriate dosage.

And particularly with pets, they often need medicines used in humans, but with different doses or dosage forms. “As a compounding pharmacy, we can make your pet the medicine they need in a form they are willing to take… special flavors (beef, chicken, tuna, etc) or special dosage forms (inner ear topicals, etc.). Dogs, cats, birds, hamsters, turtles, horses… you name it… we’ve treated them all with our individual medicine solutions.”

As San Clemente’s only independent pharmacy, Sea View is also the go-to source for all medical equipment and supplies—even hard to find products—from bandages and braces to compression garments and wheelchairs. The website provides a wealth of information as well, including drug profiles, healthy recipes, articles, and referrals. Check out and take a peek, or better yet, stop by and introduce yourself!

Sea View Pharmacy
665 Camino de los Mares, #101
San Clemente

Sea View Pharmacy